
(Old Database about Coordination)




Agreement with Coordinated Subjects in the World's Languages

Himmelreich, Anke, Melissa Jeckel, Katharina Hartmann, Johannes Mursell (2021):
Ms., Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
(Link: https://www.multivaluation.de/database.php)


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(Please note that coordinand is used as a hypernym for conjunct and disjunct.)


154 results found:

  • 27 languages found:
    Hebrew (12 results, 7.79%), Arabic (North Levantine) (12 results, 7.79%), Arabic (Modern Standard) (10 results, 6.49%), Turkish (8 results, 5.19%), Spanish (Venezuelan) (8 results, 5.19%), Spanish (European) (8 results, 5.19%), Low German (8 results, 5.19%), Catalan (8 results, 5.19%), Bulgarian (8 results, 5.19%), Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian (8 results, 5.19%), Somali (5 results, 3.25%), German (Standard) (5 results, 3.25%), Ukranian (4 results, 2.6%), Sicilian (4 results, 2.6%), Russian (4 results, 2.6%), Polish (4 results, 2.6%), Persian (Tehrani) (4 results, 2.6%), Persian (Standard) (4 results, 2.6%), Italian (4 results, 2.6%), Greek (Modern) (4 results, 2.6%), German (Palatine) (4 results, 2.6%), Friulian (4 results, 2.6%), Estonian (4 results, 2.6%), Basque (4 results, 2.6%), Chacobo (3 results, 1.95%), Mussau-Emira (2 results, 1.3%), Venetian (1 results, 0.65%)
  • 7 language families found:
    Indo-European (94 results, 61.04%), Afro-Asiatic (39 results, 25.32%), Turkic (8 results, 5.19%), Uralic (4 results, 2.6%), Isolate (Basque) (4 results, 2.6%), Panoan (3 results, 1.95%), Austronesian (2 results, 1.3%)
  • 3 agreement features found:
    Number (72 results, 46.75%), Person (69 results, 44.81%), Gender (13 results, 8.44%)
  • 2 word orders found:
    SV (107 results, 69.48%), VS (47 results, 30.52%)
  • 2 coordination types found:
    and (79 results, 51.3%), or (75 results, 48.7%)
  • 21 agreement strategies found:
    (Read as follows: S = Strategy occurs in all combinations; (S) = Strategy occurs only in some combinations; S1 > S2 = Strategy S1 is preferred over strategy S2; S1 | S2 = Strategy S1 and S2 are equally possible)
    RES (91 results, 59.09%)(RES) | (CCA) (11 results, 7.14%)CCA (10 results, 6.49%)
    RES | CCA (9 results, 5.84%)RES | (CCA) (7 results, 4.55%)(RES) | (INEFF) (4 results, 2.6%)
    RES > (CCA) (3 results, 1.95%)(RES) | (INEFF) | (FCA) (2 results, 1.3%)RES | FCA | CCA | DEF (2 results, 1.3%)
    INEFF (2 results, 1.3%)RES > (CCA) | (FCA) (2 results, 1.3%)DEF (2 results, 1.3%)
    (RES) | CCA (1 results, 0.65%)CCA > RES (1 results, 0.65%)CCA > (RES) (1 results, 0.65%)
    (RES) | CCA | (LCA) (1 results, 0.65%)(RES) | (CCA) | (FCA) (1 results, 0.65%)(RES) | (CCA) | DEF (1 results, 0.65%)
    RES | CCA | (LCA) (1 results, 0.65%)(RES) | (INEFF) | (CCA) (1 results, 0.65%)RES > (FCA) (1 results, 0.65%)


All results

Language NameLanguage FamilyAgreement FeaturesWord OrdersCoordination TypesAgreement StrategiesInformation
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticGenderVSandCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticGenderSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticGenderVSorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticGenderSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticNumberVSandDEFVS order leads to default agreement independent of coordination.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticNumberVSorDEFVS order leads to default agreement independent of coordination.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (Modern Standard)Afro-AsiaticPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticGenderSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticGenderVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticGenderSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticGenderVSorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticNumberSVandRES > (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement is possible with two sg but worse than resolved agreement.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticNumberVSandRES | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement and resolved agreement are are equally good with two sg.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticNumberSVorRES > (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement is possible with two sg but worse than resolved agreement.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticNumberVSorRES | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement is possible with two sg but worse than resolved agreement.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticPersonVSand(RES) | (CCA)Some combinations only allow resolved agreement, some only closest conjunct agreement, some allow both.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticPersonSVandRES > (FCA)First conjunct agreement is marginally possible with "you and he“. Other combinations only allow
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticPersonVSor(RES) | (CCA)Some combinations only allow resolved agreement, others closest conjunct agreement.
Arabic (North Levantine)Afro-AsiaticPersonSVorRES > (CCA) | (FCA)All combinations allow resolved agreement, but some marginally also allow closest and first conjunct agreement.
BasqueIsolate (Basque)NumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BasqueIsolate (Basque)NumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BasqueIsolate (Basque)PersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BasqueIsolate (Basque)PersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanNumberVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanNumberVSorRES > (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement is possible with sg & sg, but worse than resolved agreement.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanPersonVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-SerbianIndo-EuropeanPersonVSorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanNumberVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVor(RES) | (INEFF) | (CCA)The combination pl&sg is ineffable. Sg & sg leads to closest conjunct agreement.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanNumberVSorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanPersonVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanPersonVSorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
BulgarianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanNumberVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanNumberSVor(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanNumberVSorRES | CCAClosest conjunct agreement and resolved agreement are both possible in all combinations.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanPersonVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
CatalanIndo-EuropeanPersonVSorRES | CCA | (LCA)CCA and resolved agreement are both possible in all combinations. Additionally LCA happens in 3sg & 2sg.
ChacoboPanoanNumberSVand(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
ChacoboPanoanNumberVSand(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
ChacoboPanoanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
EstonianUralicNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
EstonianUralicNumberSVor(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
EstonianUralicPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
EstonianUralicPersonSVorINEFFThis can only be expressed by clausal disjunction. (The verb is repeated.)
FriulianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
FriulianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
FriulianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
FriulianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
German (Palatine)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
German (Palatine)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorRES | (CCA)In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
German (Palatine)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
German (Palatine)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
German (Standard)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
German (Standard)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorRES | (CCA)In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
German (Standard)Indo-EuropeanNumberVSorRES | (CCA)In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
German (Standard)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
German (Standard)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Greek (Modern)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Greek (Modern)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Greek (Modern)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Greek (Modern)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVor(RES) | (CCA)In the combination 1pl & 3pl, there is CCA.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticGenderSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticGenderVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticGenderSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticGenderVSorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticNumberVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticNumberSVorRES | (CCA)In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticNumberVSorRES | (CCA)In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticPersonVSand(RES) | (INEFF)If the first conjunct is 3sg, the combination is ineffable.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticPersonVSor(RES) | (INEFF)If one of the conjuncts is 3sg, the combination is ineffable.
HebrewAfro-AsiaticPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
ItalianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
ItalianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
ItalianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
ItalianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanNumberVSandCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanNumberVSorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanPersonVSandCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanPersonVSorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
Low GermanIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Mussau-EmiraAustronesianNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Mussau-EmiraAustronesianPersonSVandINEFFA preson mismatch leads to ineffability.
Persian (Standard)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Standard)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Standard)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Standard)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Tehrani)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Tehrani)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Tehrani)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Persian (Tehrani)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
PolishIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
PolishIndo-EuropeanNumberSVor(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
PolishIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
PolishIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
RussianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
RussianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVor(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
RussianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVand(RES) | (INEFF)If one of the conjuncts is 3pl, the result is ineffable.
RussianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorCCAClosest conjunct agreement in all cases.
SicilianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
SicilianIndo-EuropeanNumberVSor(RES) | (CCA)Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
SicilianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
SicilianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
SomaliAfro-AsiaticGenderSVorRES | FCA | CCA | DEFAll strategies are possible.
SomaliAfro-AsiaticNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
SomaliAfro-AsiaticNumberSVor(RES) | (CCA) | DEFDefault agreement is always possible. In combinations other than sg & pl, there are other strategies as well.
SomaliAfro-AsiaticPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
SomaliAfro-AsiaticPersonSVorRES | FCA | CCA | DEFDefault agreement is always possible. If there is no 2sg, other strategies as well are possible as well.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanNumberVSandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanNumberVSor(RES) | (CCA)There is CCA. In the combination sg & pl, resolved agreement is possible as well.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVand(RES) | (INEFF) | (FCA)The first conjunct cannot be 1sg. Under 3sg & 2sg, FCA is possible.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanPersonVSand(RES) | (INEFF) | (FCA)The first conjunct cannot be 1sg, unless there is 1sg & 3sg. Under 3sg & 2sg, FCA is possible.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVor(RES) | (CCA) | (FCA)In combinations of 1sg and 2sg, there is resolved agreement.
Spanish (European)Indo-EuropeanPersonVSor(RES) | CCA | (LCA)CCA is possible everywhere, resolved agreement is not possible in 2sg & 1sg, LCA is possible with 1sg & 2sg.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanNumberVSandCCA > (RES)In sg & pl, resolved agreement is possible but worse than CCA
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanNumberVSorCCA > RESBoth strategies are possible, but resolved agreement is worse than CCA.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanNumberSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanPersonVSandRES | CCAAll combinations allow both strategies.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanPersonSVorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
Spanish (Venezuelan)Indo-EuropeanPersonVSorRES | CCAAll combinations allow both strategies.
TurkishTurkicNumberSVandRES | CCABoth strategies are possible.
TurkishTurkicNumberVSandRES | CCABoth strategies are possible.
TurkishTurkicNumberVSor(RES) | CCACCA is always possible, Resolved agreement is only possible if the first conjunct is pl.
TurkishTurkicNumberSVorRES | CCABoth strategies are possible.
TurkishTurkicPersonSVandRES > (CCA) | (FCA)Resolved agreement is preferred. FCA is possible when the first conjunct is 3sg, CCA when the last conjunct is 3sg.
TurkishTurkicPersonVSandRES | CCABoth strategies are possible.
TurkishTurkicPersonVSorRESResolved agreement in all cases.
TurkishTurkicPersonSVorRES | CCABoth strategies are possible.
UkranianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
UkranianIndo-EuropeanNumberSVorRES | CCAClosest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
UkranianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
UkranianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVor(RES) | (INEFF)A combination of 1sg and 2sg is not possible (clausal coordination is used).
VenetianIndo-EuropeanPersonSVandRESResolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 1
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 2
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 3
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 4
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 5
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:DEF
    Information:VS order leads to default agreement independent of coordination.
    Result 6
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 7
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:DEF
    Information:VS order leads to default agreement independent of coordination.
    Result 8
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 9
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 10
    Language:Arabic (Modern Standard)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 11
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 12
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 13
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 14
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 15
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES > (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement is possible with two sg but worse than resolved agreement.
    Result 16
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement and resolved agreement are are equally good with two sg.
    Result 17
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES > (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement is possible with two sg but worse than resolved agreement.
    Result 18
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement is possible with two sg but worse than resolved agreement.
    Result 19
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Some combinations only allow resolved agreement, some only closest conjunct agreement, some allow both.
    Result 20
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES > (FCA)
    Information:First conjunct agreement is marginally possible with "you and he“. Other combinations only allow
    Result 21
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Some combinations only allow resolved agreement, others closest conjunct agreement.
    Result 22
    Language:Arabic (North Levantine)
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES > (CCA) | (FCA)
    Information:All combinations allow resolved agreement, but some marginally also allow closest and first conjunct agreement.
    Result 23
    Language family:Isolate (Basque)
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 24
    Language family:Isolate (Basque)
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 25
    Language family:Isolate (Basque)
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 26
    Language family:Isolate (Basque)
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 27
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 28
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 29
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 30
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES > (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement is possible with sg & sg, but worse than resolved agreement.
    Result 31
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 32
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 33
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 34
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 35
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 36
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 37
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF) | (CCA)
    Information:The combination pl&sg is ineffable. Sg & sg leads to closest conjunct agreement.
    Result 38
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 39
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 40
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 41
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 42
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 43
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 44
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 45
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 46
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement and resolved agreement are both possible in all combinations.
    Result 47
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 48
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 49
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 50
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA | (LCA)
    Information:CCA and resolved agreement are both possible in all combinations. Additionally LCA happens in 3sg & 2sg.
    Result 51
    Language family:Panoan
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 52
    Language family:Panoan
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 53
    Language family:Panoan
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 54
    Language family:Uralic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 55
    Language family:Uralic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 56
    Language family:Uralic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 57
    Language family:Uralic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:INEFF
    Information:This can only be expressed by clausal disjunction. (The verb is repeated.)
    Result 58
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 59
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 60
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 61
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 62
    Language:German (Palatine)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 63
    Language:German (Palatine)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
    Result 64
    Language:German (Palatine)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 65
    Language:German (Palatine)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 66
    Language:German (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 67
    Language:German (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
    Result 68
    Language:German (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
    Result 69
    Language:German (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 70
    Language:German (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 71
    Language:Greek (Modern)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 72
    Language:Greek (Modern)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 73
    Language:Greek (Modern)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 74
    Language:Greek (Modern)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:In the combination 1pl & 3pl, there is CCA.
    Result 75
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 76
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 77
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 78
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 79
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 80
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 81
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
    Result 82
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | (CCA)
    Information:In sg & sg both resolved agreement and CCA is possible.
    Result 83
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF)
    Information:If the first conjunct is 3sg, the combination is ineffable.
    Result 84
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 85
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF)
    Information:If one of the conjuncts is 3sg, the combination is ineffable.
    Result 86
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 87
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 88
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 89
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 90
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 91
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 92
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 93
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 94
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 95
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 96
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 97
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 98
    Language:Low German
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 99
    Language family:Austronesian
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 100
    Language family:Austronesian
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:INEFF
    Information:A preson mismatch leads to ineffability.
    Result 101
    Language:Persian (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 102
    Language:Persian (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 103
    Language:Persian (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 104
    Language:Persian (Standard)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 105
    Language:Persian (Tehrani)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 106
    Language:Persian (Tehrani)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 107
    Language:Persian (Tehrani)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 108
    Language:Persian (Tehrani)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 109
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 110
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 111
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 112
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 113
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 114
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 115
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF)
    Information:If one of the conjuncts is 3pl, the result is ineffable.
    Result 116
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement in all cases.
    Result 117
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 118
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 119
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 120
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 121
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Gender
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | FCA | CCA | DEF
    Information:All strategies are possible.
    Result 122
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 123
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA) | DEF
    Information:Default agreement is always possible. In combinations other than sg & pl, there are other strategies as well.
    Result 124
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 125
    Language family:Afro-Asiatic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | FCA | CCA | DEF
    Information:Default agreement is always possible. If there is no 2sg, other strategies as well are possible as well.
    Result 126
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 127
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 128
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA)
    Information:There is CCA. In the combination sg & pl, resolved agreement is possible as well.
    Result 129
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 130
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF) | (FCA)
    Information:The first conjunct cannot be 1sg. Under 3sg & 2sg, FCA is possible.
    Result 131
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF) | (FCA)
    Information:The first conjunct cannot be 1sg, unless there is 1sg & 3sg. Under 3sg & 2sg, FCA is possible.
    Result 132
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (CCA) | (FCA)
    Information:In combinations of 1sg and 2sg, there is resolved agreement.
    Result 133
    Language:Spanish (European)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | CCA | (LCA)
    Information:CCA is possible everywhere, resolved agreement is not possible in 2sg & 1sg, LCA is possible with 1sg & 2sg.
    Result 134
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:CCA > (RES)
    Information:In sg & pl, resolved agreement is possible but worse than CCA
    Result 135
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 136
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:CCA > RES
    Information:Both strategies are possible, but resolved agreement is worse than CCA.
    Result 137
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 138
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 139
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:All combinations allow both strategies.
    Result 140
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 141
    Language:Spanish (Venezuelan)
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:All combinations allow both strategies.
    Result 142
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Both strategies are possible.
    Result 143
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Both strategies are possible.
    Result 144
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | CCA
    Information:CCA is always possible, Resolved agreement is only possible if the first conjunct is pl.
    Result 145
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Both strategies are possible.
    Result 146
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES > (CCA) | (FCA)
    Information:Resolved agreement is preferred. FCA is possible when the first conjunct is 3sg, CCA when the last conjunct is 3sg.
    Result 147
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Both strategies are possible.
    Result 148
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:VS
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 149
    Language family:Turkic
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Both strategies are possible.
    Result 150
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 151
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Number
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:RES | CCA
    Information:Closest conjunct agreement happens with sg & sg, otherwise there is resolved agreement.
    Result 152
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.
    Result 153
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:or
    Agreement strategy:(RES) | (INEFF)
    Information:A combination of 1sg and 2sg is not possible (clausal coordination is used).
    Result 154
    Language family:Indo-European
    Agreement feature:Person
    Word order:SV
    Coordination type:and
    Agreement strategy:RES
    Information:Resolved agreement in all cases.